Core Details

Author/originator: Mike Hodder
Source type: Digital Archive (Unpublished primary digital archive)
Source sub-type: Document (Unpublished written work such as manuscripts, dissertations etc. not disseminated to the public.)
Year/date of creation: 2015
Title: Diocese of Birmingham Archaeological Assessment 2015
Description: The Diocesan Archaeological Assessment is intended to assist parishes, their agents and the Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches (DAC) in consideration of the archaeological implications of proposed works and the consequent archaeological and design requirements, and in preparation of Statements of Significance. The assessment provides a first alert and is not a substitute for consultation of the relevant Historic Environment Record (HER) in relation to specific proposals, nor for any further archaeological assessment that may be required as part of such proposals. A rapid archaeological assessment of the below-ground archaeological potential of the churches of medieval origin in the diocese and archaeological features within or adjoining their churchyards was undertaken in 1990. The assessment consisted of consideration of existing information, mainly that contained in files in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery complied by Ruth Taylor (who was a previous Diocesan Archaeological Advisor) and site observation by Mike Hodder and volunteers from the Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society. The 2015 Assessment updates and expands the assessment of 1990. It incorporates the results of the large amount of archaeological work undertaken at several churches since 1990, as part of the Faculty process and other research, and incorporates information held in local authority Historic Environment Records, which have developed substantially since 1990. It includes all churches of whatever date because the site or surroundings of a church may have archaeological significance even if the building itself does not. It includes the above-ground archaeology of each church as well as archaeological remains below ground.