Crook: St Catherine

Crook: St Catherine
Record Type:
Church code:
Westmorland & Furness

Statutory Designation Information

Listed Building?
This is not a Listed Building
Scheduled Monument?
There is no Scheduled Monument within the curtilage or precinct

National Park

The church is in the following National Park: Lake District National Park

Conservation Area

The church is not in a Conservation Area

Heritage At Risk Status

On Heritage At Risk Register?
This church is not on the Heritage at Risk Register

Approximate Date

Approximate Date:

Exterior Image

Work in progress - can you help?

Summary Description

The church was built in 1886 by Stephen Shaw of Kendal to replace the old church, whose tower still stands in the fields a quarter of a mile to the south. The style of the present church is late perpendicular: the tower has no buttresses, which is very similar to the original. The present church consists of nave and chancel, west tower, and north porch. To the south of the chancel is a vestry with a basement under it. A small addition at the south-east corner, built in 2002 houses toilet facilities suitable for wheelchair users. To the east of the building is a small car park, and further parking is also available further along the B5284 to the south-east. The second parking area was provided in 2008 on land purchased from Crook Hall and Yew Tree Farm , together with land consecrated by the Bishop of Penrith on June 4th 2007 for a new burial ground. A path leads from the car park alongside the burial ground up to the church. In 2008 a small kitchen was formed in the Tower Vestry to enable tea and coffee to be made to serve after our Morning Worship. In 2010 a pew was removed and disposed of from the rear of the nave on the north side, and the next pew reversed, to create an increased area for fellowship and the serving of refreshments following worship. Features of interest include:- In the south window of the Tower Vestry there is a small glass panel, badly cracked, with a figure of Christ, which is probably 18th Century. In 2002 a stained glass panel with the coat of arms of the Gilpin family was fitted into the middle window on the south side of the nave. The dedication panel below it reads “In memory of the Gilpin Family of Crook and Kentmere.” Bells. The church has two bells. The original church bell, according to local research, was cast in the late 14th century. It was used in the Old Chapel, and possibly in an even older Medieval Chapel, which is thought to have stood in these fields long before the 1500’s. The bell is reputed to be one of the oldest in Westmorland, and is said to be listed in the Westmorland Volume of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. Over the years it has developed cracks, making it no longer safe to use. In 1980 a replacement bell was obtained from a redundant Church in Yorkshire. This bell, which is still in operation, is by John Taylor and Co of Loughborough, dated 1901. It is hung from a steel frame. On the south wall of the nave is a War Memorial in memory of the fallen in the first and Second World Wars. There are four names from World War One : Robert Barker of Sander Hill; George Walker of Box Tree; Thomas Sanford Lishman of Spigot House; and David Patrickson of Michelland. There is one name from World War Two: Derrick Read of Pepper Cottages. Also on the south wall of the nave is a wall hanging created from a design by Thelma Brown and Pauline Taylor, to reflect the past, present, and future of the Crook Community. The idea for the wall hanging came about in late 2008, and was created during the Autumn and Winter of 2009 by a sewing group meeting in the Memorial Hall, and during 2010/2011 with the group working in church. Over twenty ladies from the Church family and wider community of Crook were involved, under the guidance of Olwen Cameron who inspired and encouraged the group to produce this amazing piece of needlework. The work was completed in October 2011, and dedicated by Canon Tim Montgomery, at a Service of Celebration on the 27th November 2011.

Visiting and Facilities

The church is open for worship.
Work in progress - can you help?

Church Website

Church Website:
Work in progress - can you help?

Sources and Further Information

Martin and Jean Norgate (2014) Old Cumbria Gazetteer [Digital Archive/Data]
Current photographs of exterior, interior, and furnishing and fittings, scans of old maps of Westmorland, and information on bells.
Church of England (2021) A Church Near You [Digital Archive/Index]
View information on worship and access at this church
ICBS (1817-1989) Incorporated Church Building Society Archive [Archive/Graphic material]

Ground plan

ICBS File Number - 02786

Coverage - 1840-1844


ICBS (1817-1989) Incorporated Church Building Society Archive [Archive/Graphic material]

Ground plan

ICBS File Number - 07935

Coverage - 1885


ICBS (1817-1989) Incorporated Church Building Society Archive [Archive/Graphic material]

Ground plan

ICBS File Number - 07935

Coverage - 1878

Created by ?ROSS (JOHN) & LAMB (ROBERT)

Church Buildings Council (2019) Church Bells 1 Bell [Archive/Index]
1 Bell