Carlton-in-Willows: St Paul

Carlton-in-Willows: St Paul
Record Type:
Church code:
Southwell & Nottingham
St. Paul Carlton in the Willows

Statutory Designation Information

Listed Building?
This is a Grade II Listed Building
View more information about this Listed Building on the National Heritage List for England web site
Scheduled Monument?
There is no Scheduled Monument within the curtilage or precinct

National Park

The church is not in a National Park

Conservation Area

The church is not in a Conservation Area

Heritage At Risk Status

On Heritage At Risk Register?
This church is not on the Heritage at Risk Register

Approximate Date

Approximate Date:

Exterior Image

Exterior image of 638268 Carlton in Willows St Paul
Exterior image of 638268 Carlton in Willows St Paul
Photograph of the exterior of St Paul church Carlton-in-Willows taken 6 March 2010
Year / Date:
David Lally
David Lally

Summary Description

This is a large and impressive Basilica in a simple and consistent Romanesque style, with much attention to detail. The nave is high with a tall clearstorey, and the building is given extra vertical emphasis by pairs of tall shafted dummy turrets at each end with pyramid roofs, and a gablet containing a statue of St Paul at the west end. The church was built in two stages, the west end begun in 1885 and the east end completed in 1891, by W A Coombs for the 4th Earl of Caernarvon.

Visiting and Facilities

The church is open for worship.
Work in progress - can you help?

Church Website

Church Website:

Sources and Further Information

David Lally (2010) Exterior image of 638268 Carlton in Willows St Paul [Digital Archive/Graphic material]
Exterior image of 638268 Carlton in Willows St Paul
Church of England (2021) A Church Near You [Digital Archive/Index]
View information on worship and access at this church
Church Buildings Council (2019) Church Bells 1 Bell [Archive/Index]
1 Bell