Hannington: St Peter & St Paul

Hannington: St Peter & St Paul
Record Type:
Church code:

Statutory Designation Information

Listed Building?
This is a Grade I Listed Building
View more information about this Listed Building on the National Heritage List for England web site
Scheduled Monument?
There is no Scheduled Monument within the curtilage or precinct

National Park

The church is not in a National Park

Conservation Area

The church is not in a Conservation Area

Heritage At Risk Status

On Heritage At Risk Register?
This church is not on the Heritage at Risk Register

Approximate Date

Approximate Date:

Exterior Image

Work in progress - can you help?

Summary Description

The medieval church has a fine west tower circa 1500. Internally restored by William Slater in 1859/60 ( he was born in the village ) and later the chancel more elaborately by F. Butler with good external sculpture by J. Forsyth, The South chapel was added in 1872 to designs by Salvin for Lady Milton who painted the windows herself under the auspices of Heaton, Butler & Bayne. Internally note the medieval bench ends and the continental gothic tower screen, a memorial to C. Bower Ismay ( of Titanic fame ). His grave in the church yard north of the tower is a remarkable creation by A.H. Gerrard, 1926 – a block like structure with a frieze of animals including horses, lions and antelopes. On the further side of the graveyard is a memorial stone to the American journalist Edwin Lawrence Godkin ( 1831-1902)

Visiting and Facilities

The church is open for worship.
Open to visitors. Key available from Becky Ash 07867 531031

Church Website

Church Website:
Work in progress - can you help?

Sources and Further Information

Church of England (2021) A Church Near You https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/16413/ [Digital Archive/Index]
View information on worship and access at this church
ICBS (1817-1989) Incorporated Church Building Society Archive https://images.lambethpalacelibrary.org.uk/luna/servlet/detail/LPLIBLPL~34~34~116616~117394 [Archive/Graphic material]

Ground plan

ICBS File Number - 06803

Coverage - 1868-1869


Church Buildings Council (2019) Church Bells 3 Bells [Archive/Index]
3 Bells