Core Details

Archaeological Monitoring and Recording at 615216 Chevithorne: St Thomas
Author/originator: MFR Steinmetzer
Source type: Digital Archive (Unpublished primary digital archive)
Source sub-type: Document (Unpublished written work such as manuscripts, dissertations etc. not disseminated to the public.)
Year/date of creation: 2016
Title: Archaeological Monitoring and Recording at 615216 Chevithorne: St Thomas
Description: Historic Environment Record entry form for an archaeological watching brief conducted on the 26 May 2016 at St Thomas Chevithorne church in Devon as part of remedial works to the west boundary wall. The works entailed the complete removal of the collapsed section of the graveyard wall and the excavation of a safe working area to allow work on the new foundations. The initial removal of the collapsed section of wall was monitored for any architectural fragments while all soil stripping was carried out using a toothless grading bucket. Removal of the collapsed section of graveyard wall exposed a thin topsoil overlying a mid reddish brown silty clay charnel soil. Inspection of the area showed no features, deposits or dating evidence to indicate archaeological activity within the area of the development.